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OpenCode IIITA

What is OpenCode

OpenCode is a month long open-source event, that helps participants from around the globe with a diverse set of skills, personalities, and experiences come together and contribute to Open Source projects. It is conducted by IIIT Alahabad (IIITA)

Who can apply

Anyone who wants to explore the world of Open Source


  • Hackathon Starts - October 4th, 2021
  • Hackathon Ends - November 5th, 2021

How to apply

You can apply for this Open Source event via Devfolio

How OpenCode works

Step 1 : Claim Issue

The set of available issues will be posted in the Issues tab of the GitHub repository. Once you've gone through the issue, understand the requirements of the issue, and make sure that you don't choose a topic that is too high for your level. Usually in Open Source events there is a massive number of people who want to contribute, and you'll have a time constraint to solve that issue It is advisable to choose a topic/issue which slighty higher than your level, by doing so you will learn something new and will also be able to solve the issue in time

Step 2 : Solve Issue

Once the issue is assigned to you, research about the topic and understand it enough to solve the issue.You can continue to learn about more ways on how to proceed once you have a basic solution for the issue what works

Step 3 : Open a Pull Request

Once you have solved the issue, make sure to run any unit tests (that check the basic functionalities of the project, whether the new additions to the code base has caused any bugs!!) that have been mentioned in the repository Now it's time to merge these changes to the main repository. You can do this by creating a Pull Request (A request to the code maintainer, to approve the changes that you've made to the repository and officially merge the changes)

Step 4 : Check the Leaderboard

This is the place where you can see how many contributions are taking place in the event. Everyone who creates a pull request can join the leaderbord and see where they stand (positive competition).

Check the latest updates

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